The Ingenious Hummingbird Constructs a House with a Roof



There are only a few buildings in nature that can provide a feeling of comfort and warmth, such as bird nests.

If you take a look at these nests, you can see the complexity and craftsmanship required to build them.

This particular hummingbird mom found a clever way to make her place even cozier (scroll down to see how)

Conservationist Bianca Caroline Soares, who observed this special nest and took the photographs, is no stranger to seeing hummingbird nests perched on branches in the jungle near her home in Paraguay.

But on one particular hike last spring, he saw one like he’d never seen before.

This nest had a roof.

Needless to say, Soares was impressed.

“I saw five hummingbird nests that day, but this one was the most ingenious,” Soares said.

Thanks to the shade and rain protection that leaf roof provided, this hummingbird’s house was easily the prettiest in the neighborhood.

And it also turned out to be a great place to raise a family.

Soares continued to visit the bird’s clever nest, observing the small family he had built the nest for in the weeks and months that followed that first sighting.

“She had two baby hummingbirds,” Soares said, and on the hottest days, those babies surely benefited from their mother’s careful planning with shade protection.

Soares said she hopes Little Mama’s careful planning inspires people to take better care of nature.

The hummingbird’s thoughtfulness definitely helped his little family.

Hopefully, they will have learned a lesson from the design of their childhood home when it comes time to build their own nests.


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