Este pequeño era miembro de una camada de tres, nacido en el Zoológico de Toronto el 11 de noviembre de 2013. Sus dos hermanos murieron y durante un tiempo pareció que él sufriría la misma suerte. Pero los funcionarios del zoológico decidieron trasladar al cachorro a su Centro de Salud de Vida Silvestre, donde lo pusieron como incubadora y lo cuidaron las 24 horas. Hoy en día, el cachorro está desarrollando un pelaje más grueso, le crecen bigotes, le salen los dientes a medida que le crecen los molares e ipas, bebe leche seis veces al día, aprende a lamer la leche de un plato y juega. También está empezando a dar sus primeros pasos sobre cuatro patas. Los osos polares se consideran especies de protección especial según la Ley de Especies en Riesgo de Canadá. “Nuestro equipo de cuidado de la vida silvestre ha estado trabajando día y noche para cuidar de este cachorro especial. Estamos muy contentos con su progreso hasta ahora”, dice el Dr. Graham Crawshaw , veterinario del zoológico.
A recent archaeological find in the remote Altai Mountains on the border between Russia, Mongolia and China has sparked an unprecedented historical and scientific debate. A team of researchers, led by Swedish archaeologist Lars Edvardsson, has …
Archaeologists have found 20 Stope-Αge skeletons in a rock shelter in the Sahara Desert in LiƄya, according to a new study. The skeletons date back to between 8,000 and 4,200 years ago, meaning the burial site was used …
In a discovery that defies all logic and historical knowledge, archaeologists in Israel have revealed the existence of a previously unseen object inside what is believed to be the tomb of the legendary King Goliath. During an excavation that began in October 2024, the site was discovered …
Deep within history lie secrets waiting to be discovered, mysteries that transcend time itself. Among these mysteries, few are as captivating as the discovery of artifacts thousands of years old and the chilling explorations between humans and extraterrestrial …
In an unprecedented scientific breakthrough, researchers have recently published compelling evidence suggesting that certain creatures once coexisted with early humans. This shocking discovery has sent waves through the academic world, challenging long-standing …
In a monumental development, archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed a discovery that has sent ripples through the global scientific and historical community. This revelation promises to alter our perception of ancient civilizations and their complexities. …