“Scarlett Johansson Reveals Secret Marvel Project Was in Development Just Before the Writers’ Strike


Scarlett Johansson (Black WidowAsteroid City) has confirmed that the secret non-Black Widow MCU project that she was announced to be producing is still happening but has paused amid the 2023 writers’ strike.

The news was initially announced back in 2021 when Marvel President Kevin Feige confirmed that Johansson would be working alongside to produce a non-Black Widow-related and top-secret MCU project.

This was announced shortly after the Disney+ release of Marvel Studios’ Black Widow movie, the character that Johansson is famous for playing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

However, despite there being many movie and tv show titles to be announced since then. Confirmation as to which project Johansson is working on has not yet been provided by Marvel Studios.

Scarlett Johansson’s Secret MCU Project Update

imageScarlett Johansson Confirms Secret Marvel Project Was In Development Right Before Writers’ Strike Began

While speaking with ComcBook about Asteroid City, Johansson was asked about the secret MCU project and if it is still in the works.

“It is still happening. Yes, It is still happening (…) not currently because nothing is happening right now. We’re all sort of in this holding pattern as we wait out the writers’ strike and potentially our own guide strike, and so on and so forth.

But, yes, right before the strike we were in the middle of developing it.”

Scarlett Johansson

It’s just too early to tell as to what title Johansson will be stepping in to produce simply due to the fact that both she and Feige have yet to announce the details of the project.

What we do know is that it will have nothing to do with her character Black Widow, so that may rule out a Yelena-focused story played by Florence Pugh. Fans will just have to wait and see what the studio has planned.

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